The Maternity Ward provides services on a twenty-four hour basis, every day of the week. The services include:
1. Antenatal Care
2. Labour and Delivery
3. Post-Natal Care
4. Premature Services with limitations i.e. neo-nates born at 35 weeks without complications
We also provide Parent Craft classes on Tuesdays from 4.30pm to pregnant clients and partner, where they are advised on:
1. What to expect in labour
2. How to take care of oneself:
– Ante Natal (before labour)
– During labour
– Post Natal (after labour)
Clients are admitted to the ward at 24 weeks of pregnancy. However, clients can also be admitted to the Ward at an earlier gestation (earlier than 24 weeks) only if sent in by an obstetrician for complications in pregnancy. Some of these complications are:
– Diabetes in pregnancy
– A Diabetic client who is pregnant
– A Hypertensive client who is pregnant
– A client with pregnancy induced hypertension
– Anemia in pregnancy
NOTE: These clients must be sent in by the Obstetrician.
Clients must have antenatal visits at their District Health Centre and/or Private Obstetrician. At these visits blood must be taken for:
– Complete Blood Count
– Group and Rhesus factor
– Sickle Cell Test
– HIV Testing (if consented by client)
– Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Clients are admitted directly to this ward when they are in labour and must bring their Ante-natal Record.
Signs of labour are any one of these symptoms which indicates labour has started:
– Rupture of membranes
– Uterine Contraction i.e. feeling stiffing pain at regular interval
– “Show” – i.e. secretion of mucus with blood from the vagina.
Personal Requirements for admission to Maternity:
For Mothers:
– Night gowns 3
– Dusters 2
– Maternity Pads 2 packs
– Panties 4
– Wash rag 1
– Bath Towels 2
– Bath Soap and other toiletries 2
– Shimmies 4
– Vest 4
– Soap 1
– Disposable Diapers 1 pack
– Rags 2
– Towel 2
– Blanket 2
– Olive Oil bottle 1
– Comb/Brush 1
This unit cares for babies delivered at the Scarborough Regional Hospital and for babies delivered at home or en route to the hospital.
Healthy infants stay at their mother’s bedside for the duration of their hospital stay, which is less than 48 hours in most cases.
Prospective mothers are encouraged to have regular checkups during their pregnancy and to bring the results of all blood tests to the maternity unit when they expect to deliver. This can shorten the hospital stay for the baby.
All mothers are expected to breastfeed their babies unless there is a medical reason to use infant formula. Midwives are readily available to assist mothers with breastfeeding.
Babies who have basic medical problems are treated in the unit and are given appointments to clinic on discharge from hospital.

Contact Information