
Month: December 2017

Four Christmas Babies for Tobago!

Four Christmas Babies for Tobago!

(Scarborough, Tobago – December 27th, 2017): Aria Thomas was Tobago’s first baby born on Christmas Day at the Scarborough General Hospital (SGH)! Baby Aria made her grand entrance into the world at 6:04 a.m. and weighed 6.3 lbs. when she…

TRHA Gives Thanks!

TRHA Gives Thanks!

(Scarborough, Tobago – December 15th, 2017): On December 15th 2012, forty-three patients were transferred, without incident, from the Scarborough Regional Hospital (SRH), Fort Street, Scarborough to the Scarborough General Hospital (SGH), Signal Hill – six from the Pediatric Ward, seven…